Custom-made machines

In addition to standard jar roller mills and ball mills, KERA manufactures specialised custom-made grinding machines. You supply the specifications, and we develop, design and build a mill that is fully aligned to your demands.



Jar Roller mill with roller drive in the centre of the unit.

Starting point: 2 grinding jars per level

In this roller mill, every grinding jar is driven individually. This prevents disruptions in grinding and mixing time due to incorrect loading.


Jar Roller mill with temperature control

This jar roller mill features a highly accurate temperature control. The grinding process takes place in an enclosed inner unit that is set to the desired temperature. This is perfect for products that mix more easily at higher and/or stable temperatures.


Jar Roller mill with ten rollers

Bespoke solutions are one of KERA’s greatest strengths as this roller mill shows. Developed with ten rollers at working height, it is ideal for processes in which staff mix various products in small quantities.


More information about our custom-made machines or interested in a proposal?


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